How to avoid getting beach cart stuck in sand

Know your carts limits.

If you're going to be pushing your cart through sand, it's important that you know the limits of your model. It's tempting to just push as much as possible and hope for the best—but this approach could have disastrous consequences. If your cart has a small front wheel and lots of weight in the back, it will get stuck easily if one of those wheels gets buried in a rut or large pile of sand. In other words: Don't push too hard! Be aware of how much force is required to get traction on loose surfaces like sand or gravel; if necessary, get help from someone else who knows what they're doing (or ask an employee at the store where you bought your beach cart) or read our beach cart reviews.

If it looks like there was too much weight on that tiny little front wheel when it got stuck—or if there's even a chance that could happen—you might want to consider getting a wider model with bigger wheels instead like the crestwalker. It'll be worth spending some extra money now so that later on down the line when things start getting really hot outside the beach trips are ruined when you get stuck.

Be smart about what you put in your cart.

The first thing you should do is make sure that you don't overload your cart. It's tempting to stuff as much stuff into it as possible, but doing so will only make it more difficult for the cart to move. Instead, try to keep it light and organized.

Don't put anything that could break or fall out while the cart is moving (this includes glass bottles). Also, if there's any chance of getting wet (like from rain or sand), don't pack those items either!

Use wheels that work best for the sand you will encounter.

If you've ever gotten a beach cart stuck in sand, it's not your fault. The wheels that come on with most carts are usually designed for hard-packed dirt and grass. But when you're on the beach, they can get bogged down by soft sand.

If you want to avoid getting stuck in the sand, look for a cart with softer wheels instead of solid ones. Softer wheels will help you get unstuck easier since they don't sink into soft ground as easily as solid ones do—and they're better at digging through deep drifts too!

Find easy ground to go over first and come back to harder areas when you have momentum.

There are several ways to avoid getting your beach cart stuck in sand. The first is to go with a friend and use two carts, one for each of you. This will give you more weight, making it harder for the carts to get stuck. Additionally, try using a cart with large wheels and shorter front tires (1-2 inches high), as these will give more traction and prevent the beach wagon from being tipped over easily. Also try using larger tires on your beach cart—they'll have better contact with the ground while trying to gain traction when going up or down hills or uneven surfaces like sand or grassy areas that lead into beaches where there may be some loose dirt mixed in with all that sand!

We hope you have found this article helpful and can now enjoy a more successful time at the beach with your cart. We know how frustrating it can be to get stuck in sand, especially when you are trying to have fun with friends and family but there are ways around this! We hope that you will take these tips into consideration next time you go out onto the shoreline so that everyone enjoys their trip as much as possible!